Procurement is the acquisition of goods and / or services that are appropriate at the best possible cost to meet the needs of the purchaser in terms of quality and quantity time.

Procurement Fraud can be defined as dishonestly obtaining an advantage, avoiding an obligation or causing a loss to public property various means during procurement process by public servants, contractors or any other person involved in the procurement.

In the process, the procurement of goods and services are vulnerable to fraud, ranging from “ selling information”, to be discriminatory to prospective suppliers, to manage the procurement or tender process with the goal of obtaining the “ success fee “ or a “ mark up price “ for personal gain.

In fact, in almost all types of companies often found that the deviations are caused by fraud that causes significant losses. In the relationship with a huge risk in the procurement process for goods and services, then, should have an effort and right strategies to prevent, detect, and disclose fraud likely to occur in the procurement of goods and services.


By following this course, participants are expected to be able to identify why the fraud could occur, what causes it, and how to minimize the risk of fraud. In addition, there will also be taught the code of conduct, evaluation and monitoring system as a preventive action so that all parties understand the task of the procurer.


  • Introduction to Procurement Fraud
  • Transparency and Accountability Principles
  • Common Types of  Procurement Fraud
  • Criteria for gross misconduct, criminal, and civil cases
  • Fraud detection methods
  • Handling Procurement Fraud
  • Constructing Preventive Policy and Control System
  • Socializing and Implementing Policy
  • Fraud Case Study


Ir. Surono, MBA. And Team


Project Manager, Purchasing, Logistic and Supply Chain, Internal Auditor, Finance, CEO, and whoever who wants to explore the knowledge and experience about Procurement Fraud.


1.    Presentation
2.    Discussion
3.    Case Study
4.    Evaluation


1.    Training Module
2.    Free High Quality Electronic Books
3.    Certificate
4.    Jacket or Batik
5.    Qualified Bag
6.    Training Photo
7.    Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
8.    Once lunch and twice coffee break every day of training
9.    Qualified Instructor
10.    Transportation from airport / railway to hotel and from hotel to the training venue


14 s.d 16 Mei 201321 s.d 23 Mei 2013

25 s.d 28 Juni 2013

2 s.d 4 Juli 2013

27 s.d 29 Agustus 2013

3 s.d 5 September 2013

10 s.d 12 September 2013

24 s.d 26 September 2013

8 s.d 10 Oktober 2013



22 s.d 24 Oktober 20136 s.d 8 November 2013

12 s.d 14 November 2013

19 s.d 21 November 2013

26 .d 28 November 2013

3 s.d 5 Desember 2013

10 s.d 12 Desember 2013

17 s.d 19 Desember 2013



Hotel Ibis Malioboro Yogyakarta

Pukul 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

Request for Training Venue: Semarang, Solo, Bandung, Jakarta, Balikpapan, Surabaya, Bali, Lombok and Batam

In House Training Depend on request

Fee Course

Fee course : Rp 6.000.000,-/participant (Non Residential) Minimal kirim 2 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama

Special price : Rp. 5.500.000,-/participant (Non Residensial) Minimal kirim 3 peserta dari perusahaan yang sama

Pembayaran dapat dilakukan pada saat regristrasi atau transfer melalui rekening berikut:

PT. Bank Mandiri Cabang KH Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta Acc. No 137 – 0007597871




Jl. Imogiri Barat km 4,5 Randubelang Rt 07 No.228 A Yogyakarta 55187

Phone   :  0274 – 4531081 / 088216081857

Fax.        :  0274 – 4531081

Email     :

YM          :

Website :

Contact Person : Amri (081327671914) (0877 3836 0557)

BB PIN : 751FAE2


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